Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 Day Around The Bay

Rain, rain and more rain. We've had rain since last Thursday, and here is the forecast for the rest of the week:

That's right. More rain.

Surprisingly, this makes me happy. I LOVE the rain! I love watching the trees sway in the wind, the people being blown across their lawns, the grass turning green (if it doesn't drown), and most of all I LOVE the day after it rains. When everything is dripping wet and it smells fresh and new, or wet and rotten, depending on where you live. I even love braving the storm to walk the three-four blocks from my house to the train station and praying that a tree hasn't fallen on the tracks and wiped out my only transportation to work. Its really rather exciting.

It would be even more exciting if I had the correct rain gear. Note to self: Cowgirl boots are not a suitable substitute for galoshes. However, they're better than nothing. :)

That's right, I tucked my slacks into my way cute cowgirl boots and sacrificed them in the name of staying dry this morning. Luckily, they seem to have survived the endeavor. But there is no doubt that after work today I will be stopping off and getting myself a nice pair of these:

Galoshes (AKA: Slickers, Wellies....)

And then, the fun will ensue. The plan:

Find the largest, muddiest puddle possible and.... jump. Jump like a 5 year old without a care in world. Like this:

And then, follow immediately with a LARGE cup of hot cocoa, and snuggle time on the sofa. Ahhh, the rain. Thank you rain Gods for this awesome time of year and for all of the excitement that is to come.

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1 comment:

Christy said...

I went out to grab lunch yesterday and found an amazing, enormous puddle at the bottom of the hill by my house. Threw the Jeep in 4x and drove circles through the puddle for about 10 minutes. SO FUN. Have fun with your galoshes!
BTW - Mares says they're called "wellies" in Scotland.