Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's the Big Idea?

We have been slaving over the Bean's laundry for weeks now and we can FINALLY see the end! We received so many boxes of clothes from friends and family that I have been running my washing machine non stop since last weekend. I only waited so long to start it all because I didn't have any dressers to put the clothes in. But thankfully those arrived alongside the crib last Wednesday and we've been busily putting together the Bean's room ever since. There are still a few piles of office 'stuff' laying around that need to be put away and I still need to find a place for the bazillions of diapers we received (THANK YOU!) but all in all the room is looking more and more like a nursery. Our good friend Erika made some paintings for the space and they look awesome! They certainly do add to the ambiance. :)

Last Monday I started having some light 'cramps' and waited until Wednesday when they got a little stronger to email my doctor. He had us come in for a check-up and informed us that we were 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced. He sent us over to the Maternity ward to get checked out for labor where we were hooked up to the monitors and given a minor heart attack when the on-call doc said it could be as early as tonight and/or sometime this week. That's when we kicked things into high gear. We packed the 'bag', put the car seat in the car, built the dressers (my amazing sister built the crib for us while we went and saw Jeff Dunham - He was freaking awesome!). And proceeded to put clothes and diapers away. My trash and recycling bins are now overflowing, along with my neighbors (thank you!) and we still have piles of boxes awaiting their eviction from my hallway/living room/dining room.

We have an appointment later today where I'm sure we'll get checked-out again, so I will be sure keep you all informed. Wish us luck...

In the Hospital on Wednesday.

Baby's Room with Artwork

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The babies room looks GREAT!!!

Good luck with everything Kelly!

and no fair that you got to see Jeff Dunham, you kinda suck! :)