Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Maureen & Q-tip 1 Month

We made the ultimate sacrifice yesterday - we gave up our precious sleep so that we could make it over to Gale & Maureen's ward for church at 9 a.m. I must admit it was totally worth it! Eric, Q, my mom, sister & I all spent the day with the family gearing up for Maureen's big birthday dinner. It turned out excellent - Aaron made a mean BBQ Tri-tip and all the family brought various items for the delicious feast. (We -I - did the tasty looking asparagus - yum!)

The feast

Incidentally Q-tip had a birthday yesterday as well. He turned one month old! He also made his first church appearance. My little baby is plumping up very nicely - he's getting little legs rolls and neck rolls and I just want to eat him up!

The B-Day Babies

Q's First Church Outfit

Q giving his Zoolander look

Hanging out with the cousins

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