Monday, March 8, 2010

Quinton 'Quinn' Scott Westover

He's here!

I'm sure you've heard the good news, our little Q man is here. :) He arrived on Sunday, February 28th at 8:28p.m. weighing 6lbs 10 oz & 18.5" long. A perfectly sized little guy, who only took 18 minutes of pushing to enter the world.

True to my word I did it al natural - no pain killers, nothing. They had to give me an IV almost the minute they admitted me however, because I couldn't keep ANYTHING down. Not even the ice chips. :( But after 6 hours of mounting pain and a few very good screams and grunts - enter Quinton Westover. :)

Here are a few birth photos - don't worry, they're all 'clean'.

Checking out mommy

Skin on Skin right after his grand entry

Proud Mamma

Holding hands

post signature

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