Thursday, April 22, 2010

The 7 Week Smile?

Eric and I have been dying to see our baby boy smile intentionally for the first time. He's 7 weeks after all, kinda, his 'real' age is 4 weeks so we're not being too paranoid about it.
Q has given us the gas smiles, the sleeping smiles and the other day he even did the play-with-the-corners-of-his-mouth-so-he'll-smile smile (he did this one for Eric, I tried all day with out success). I held him up to the mirror this morning and was able to get a little smile out of him, but I couldn't duplicate it so I'm not sure it 'counts' - who am I kidding they all count!

Here are a few snaps from Q's photo shoot this morning - along with a few 'smiles'.

These were just funny...

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Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

CUTE!!!! He sure is chunkin' up!!

Alison said...

I miss my Quinnnnnn!!!!!!! He is so big now! I can't wait to kiss his chunky cheeks!

Tamara said...

Oh my gosh !!! Seriously ADORABLE.

Unknown said...

That last one is a total GQ moment; he's got the pose!