Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back from the Ranch

There really is no place like home, and there's nothing like a 3 week vacation to help you realize that. We just returned from a 5 day stay at the Westover Ranch in Rexburg, Idaho.
Here are a few photos from the event:

Cousin Rylee covered in dirt & chocolate

My best friend's son Aiden

Eric's best friend Trevor and a few of his kids

Cousin Elle

Aunt Alison & cousin Katie

(Favorite) Cousin Kaeylynne (or Kaelin)

Cousin Andrea holding Q

Cousin Tyler playing ball

Amazingly enough it seems like everyone got sick the minute they showed up at the ranch. My mother in law had pneumonia, uncle Kim had a double ear infection and sinus infection, my brother in law had the flu (and very lovingly shared it with my mother in law), and Q and I came home with the sniffles and a possible cold. Oivey! Yet another reason why getting a million people in one place at one time isn't such a great idea.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed our time spent there and the opportunity to see family that we don't get to see that often. Thank you to all that made it possible, especially Layne and Kris :)

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