Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So... I entered Q in a photo contest

I know, I know... I HATE it when people ask me to vote for their kid. Why don't they do this the old school way and actually make the selection them selves instead of having the world do it for them (them being the people hosting the giveaway). But, in this wonderful world wide web age that we live in we must rely upon the masses to bring the people what they want, and the people want Quinn to WIN! hehehe

My new favorite photographer Jenice Ray is hosting a giveaway and cutest baby contest. The photos with the most 'likes' will win a free photo session along with an assortment of prints of said photos. You must be a fan of the Jenice Ray Photography fan site, so click on over and get ready to give a 'like' to Quinn's picture once it goes up (starting June 17th). I'll supply a direct link once she has posted the photos.

I just LOVE Jenice's work. You'll have seen one of her photos as my new profile picture on FB, and I just ordered a bunch more from her that will be here shortly. Please, Please help us win Quinn a six month photo shoot. :)

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