Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's Cookin - Lemon Basil Chicken

So I went to the farmer's market on Friday and picked up some green beans, broccoli, lettuce... the necessities. I begrudgingly passed by the strawberries, bread and flower vendors. Maybe next time...

But, on my out of the market I passed by the most amazing smell and so I had to stop to find out what it was. It turned out to be lemon basil. I quickly bought a bunch (well, Christy bought a bunch and we split it) and I couldn't stop smelling it for the rest of the day.

I didn't have any fish at home so I took out some chicken breast chopped up my new favorite smelling plant and threw it in a bowl with some butter and a pinch of salt and pepper (and when I say pinch, I mean 4 finger pinch), basted the breasts and stuck them in the oven with my favorite homemade Cheddar Bay biscuits. Then I threw the green beans in a pan with some garlic olive oil and, of course, some salt and then sat down with my boys to an unbelievably tasty meal.

What's cooking in your kitchen?


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