Monday, January 4, 2010

The best arm work out ever

If you're ever feeling a little vain and want to tone up those arm muscles I have the perfect job for you. Install a ceiling fan!

I took on this lovely adventure on Sunday, along with my trusty head lamp, electric drill and a chair since apparently we don't own a ladder. I spent about 2 hours trying to take down the old fan, finally figuring it out, and then attempting to install the new fan with screws that were too long. One trip to OSH hardware later and I was in business. I only had to make one phone call to Eric to confirm that the green ground wire doesn't attach to anything (because the house is old and doesn't have a ground wire apparently) and it was smooth sailing from there. Except for one thing. I'm seven months pregnant and it seems that my past 5ish months of not working out have caused my arm muscles to turn to jello. Well crap! I'm telling you, if you need a good arm work out just hold a fan over your head while trying to screw it into place. You'll be feeling the burn!

Here are a few photos of my adventure.

Yes, its slightly crooked. No, I do not care. Its too bloody cold be running the fan right now anyway. I'm sure we'll fix it when the weather improves, but in the meantime its done.

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