Monday, January 17, 2011

Half Moon Bay

Eric and I both had today off for the MLK holiday so we decided to pack up the Q man and headed over to Half moon bay. Q had fun getting ready. He loves to follow us around while we get dressed and chew on his hairbrush.

We started our Half Moon Bay trip down at Bean Hallow state beach with the tide pools and a nice little trail along the coast.

There were signs for poison Oak all over so we decided not to let Q walk all along the path. When we got to a nice open area with no sign of poison oak in sight we let him loose. This kid loves to walk, and has now discovered mud, yay!

We then headed over to a local Sushi place for lunch where Q let us know loud and clear that he needed to go someplace to get the wiggles out. We found a cute little park not too far away and enjoyed watching our little boy explore and climb on the equipment. He made it all the way up the structure by himself (with some spotting from daddy) and absolutely LOVED the slide!

The Slide
