Sunday, June 12, 2011

The great owie

Boys are rough and tumbly, it's just their nature I guess. Quinn's head was always thumping on the floor when he was a rollie pollie. He'd flop back and forth, throwing all he had into rolling over. Then as the walking started his noggin was once again the source of much bumping and thumping as he found his balance. Which he still continues to do, especially when coming down the stairs.

So it came as no surprise, still shocking, but not surprising when the sitter sent me this picture the other day. It seems that while the Q-mister was outdoors playing with the sidewalk chalk, like any child would, one in each hand. He tripped and of-course didn't want to sacrifice the chalk, so he stopped himself with his face instead.

We'll be having the 'don't run with your hands in your pockets' speech any day now I suppose.


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