Monday, January 11, 2010

Average Joe

Eric and I had our 30 week check up today. It was the usual... measure the belly, check my blood pressure and weight, hear the heartbeat. We asked the doctor how we're coming along in comparison to the 'average' couple. He said everything is looking relatively average. We're right on target with the belly size, weight gain and everything else. It looks like the bean is right around 3 lbs. right now. We expressed our concerns of the baby being garhugic because of us both being 'above average' sized people, and he said he saw no cause for concern. Phew.

But, of course, only time will tell. Who knows, maybe this kid will start packing on the pounds within the next few weeks, or maybe not. I seem to remember that I was a fairly average sized baby, but I really can't recall. Eric was garhugic for being 8 weeks early, he was already 5.5 lbs. I can't even imagine how HUGE he would have been had he gone full term.

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Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

I wouldn't believe a dr for a single second about guessing the size. In out experience even the ultrasound was very inaccurate. they said Lj would be a few ounces over 7lbs full term and he was 8-10 10 days early! good luck kelly!!! westovers produce BIG babies....

Eric Westover said...
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Tamara said...

Hooray for baby boy Westover! There is an excellent chance that the baby will be a healthy weight and size at birth and the GROW and an insanely fast pace. That's how my kids have been! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

ok, garhugic is now officially my favorite word :)

I honestly think you will be fine. Will the baby be big, there is a good chance. The last few months the baby grows at an "insanely fast pace" (just like Tamara said). I know you can do it, no matter how big he turns out to be :)