Saturday, February 20, 2010

Baby Update

Our doc. appointment went well this past Wednesday. We are slowly but surely progressing - 2cm., 75%Effaced, his head is at -1 and contractions are every 4 minutes. They tell me that the consistency is there, but the contractions just aren't strong enough yet, and since I'm only 36 weeks they won't do anything to 'help' me along. Which is fine, I'd rather not have then give me Pitocin anyway. This simply means that I have been in pre-term labor for over a week now.

I guess its only fair right? I did have the easiest pregnancy in the world, no morning sickness, no nausea, no vomiting. My stuffed up nose aint got nothin' on what other women have had to deal with. So I guess in the end this is what I get... a week or so of uncomfortable contractions that will steadily increase until his highness decides to grace us with his presence. We're heading over to Skippolini's in Walnut Creek tonight to take a stab at their 'Pregnancy Pizza'. They say that women who eat it typically give birth within the next 3 days.

One can hope....

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1 comment:

Morgan Waterstraat BA, NCTMB said...

I'm pretty sure it'll work for you. Everything you've done to this point has pushed it along. Wishing you all the best with this endeavor!