Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prego Pizza my butt!!!

It seems that the pregnancy pizza has stopped my contractions. Yes, stopped as in no longer there whatsoever. I guess this kid has decided that he wants to stay inside a bit longer. Which is fine by me, at least I'm not in constant discomfort any longer. However this does kinda stink considering I've left work already. :(
I do have to wonder though if the stress of work coupled with the stress of growing a person was the reason the contractions began in the first place. The body does know best after all.

Since I am officially on maternity leave I have been looking for various activites to fill my time. Yesterday I ran some errands, picked up an item from the post office, met Eric for lunch at school and relaxed a bit in between it all. Today, I gathered a few more items for earrings and went to work making the funnest earrings of all time. My friend Dawnelle, from the Interior Design Department at BYU-Idaho, first introduced me to these earrings my freshman year and I've loved them ever since. I figured, I'm in a pretty hip part of the country so why not be inspired by her design and make my own versions. And, viola:

My Tuesday accomplishment

And, its raining again today. Good thing my galoshes finally came in the mail. Watch out puddles here I come!

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Desiree said...

So the pizza didn't work... Ugh. That stinks, don't send me the doggy bag. :)

And I don't know if you know...but since it is my area of expertise (am an employment attorney) I thought I would tell you. You can have up to 4 weeks of paid state disability leave prior to the birth. So if your doctor took you out, then get the benefits (although it isn't as much as your actual pay check.) After, you get a minimum of 6 weeks paid disability (and longer if medically needed). In California, you get 4 total months of Pregnancy Disability Leave (the state disability time is included in these for months. But the remaining time past the state disability time is unpaid.) But, you don't have to take those four months all at the same time. So if your contractions have stopped, and you want to go back to work so you have that time saved up for after the birth, you can go back. They have to allow you back without any changes in your pay, job, schedule, etc. Exactly as you left. Then when he comes, you continue that 4 months. After that 4 months is up, if your employer has more than 50 employees, you can get Family Medical Leave for another 3 months (unpaid.)

Maybe you know all that. But I thought I would let you know you can go back if you would like and they have to allow you back if you want to save that time for afterward. Anyway, hope all goes well!! Stay away from pizza. :)

Christy said...

Um yah, Des is freaking awesome.

Also, I want earrings. I want black guitar picks with drawn-on grunge swirls in white (sharpie paint pen?) and some kind of rockstar awesome shell-y things on the bottom.

Please to make.

Thank yours.