Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ladies Night and then some...

While Eric and Quinn were in Utah this past weekend I had the opportunity to host Ladies Night! I haven't hosted much since we've moved into our new place for a few reasons: 1. It's tiny and 2. It's hard to figure out what to do with the boys.

It was so much fun having all the ladies over and figuring out how to seat everyone. Of course, I snapped a few photos of the living room before everyone got there, and forgot to get any of the actual event. Such is life.

I also managed to get one semi-good photo of Quinn this morning (with his awesome Wonka hair-do). He's almost 8 months already, can you believe it. He's LOVING solid foods (green beans, squash, bananas, strawberries, avocado, pears, peaches, prunes...) and his high-chair. He loves his sitters, Grandma & Ann, and still tells the best stories to me when I get home from work.


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