Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why does Quinn smell like dryer sheets?

This may not seem like a big deal, but in our house there are no dryer sheets so it just didn't make sense. There's also no scented laundry detergent, but that's a story for another day.

I came downstairs this afternoon after finishing the clothing swap (Quinn FINALLY fits into the 6-9 month clothes, yay!) and my olfactory senses started going nuts. I picked up Quinn and sniffed his head and then asked Eric "why does Quinn smell like dryer sheets?". He casually shrugged his shoulders and continued to pour himself a glass of water while I went in search of the scent. To my chagrin I happened upon an opened and now empty bottle of Paul Mitchel baby shampoo that was just peeking out from under the ottoman. Sure enough the entire contents of the bottle had been spilled on the rug, and then Quinn had crawled/rolled/played in it.

Eric quickly swept Q up to the bath while I instinctively grabbed a wet towel and set to scrubbing the shampoo. Lets think about this one... water + shampoo = a big soapy mess, and not even a hot one at that. Eric instinctively did some web surfing on 'how to' clean up a soapy rug and we discovered that our shop vac was going to get its first 'wet' vacuuming job.

Things I learned from this experience.
1. DON'T put water on a soap spilled rug
2. A shop vac is a MUST when you have kids
3. Never underestimate the power of the Internet. - I may give Eric a lot of crap for always turning to it with a question, but it sure did come in handy today. :)


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