Sunday, June 27, 2010

My child has become my life. Strange how that happens really. One moment you're a head strong-tackle-the-world-with-your-incredible-design-skills woman, to a happily-situated-in-the-living-room-making-cooing-sounds mommy. Its not like I've lost my fire for design or my drive for life. Its just that my focus has shifted. I no longer crave the all nighter to plan the perfect floor plan or the week long search for the perfect...whatever. I now crave the moment when my child grasps my hand on purpose or raises himself to a sitting position with minimal assistance. I look forward to him waking up from his naps and smiling at me just because he's glad to see me. My life has changed, and I couldn't be happier about it.

But where does that leave all that pent up design-y-ness? What's my outlet now? Where do I find my fix? The answer is in many things... I designed Q's room, I now make earrings and sell them online, I have a design blog where I can show off all the fun stuff I find and would love to someday be able to put in a design for a client. And that is all...sometimes its enough, sometimes it makes me sad. But mostly I just want to be there for all of my son's milestones. I want to be the last face he sees when he leaves for school and the first when he gets home. I want to be the rock in his life, I want to always be there for him. Its crazy how this desire, this overwhelming need, this tiny person has changed my life so entirely.

To my son - I love you Quinn and I will always be there for you, no matter what. -Mom

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1 comment:

Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

I LOVE THIS!! You're an EXCELLENT mom Kelly!