Sunday, July 31, 2011

Nob hill getaway


Last weekend Eric and I dropped the Q man off at Grandma's house and headed into the city for a little getaway. Lemme tell ya, I never understood why anyone would want to get away from their child(ren) for an entire weekend until we did this.



I personally rush home at the end of every work day so I can spend the precious few hours that I have with Q in the evenings and I look forward to the weekends when I can spend all day with my little man. So 'getting' away from him is not first on my mind. But there's something to be said about having an adult weekend away. You realize how different life was before you embarked on this life long journey of parenthood, and how much easier it was to just run down to the market, or wherever, without having to pack half the house, maneuver the carseat buckles then drag the stroller out of the car and fight the screaming toddler into said stroller because he's a busy body and just wants to run around. Bribery by way of raisins and cookies sometimes ensues and only once you're in the store do you realize you've forgotten your shopping list and you're brain is so fried that you can't remember why you're there in the first place. Ultimately you end up wandering around the store for a good half hour just for good measure and possibly escape with at least half of what you needed and only one new outfit for the now placated toddler.

Now I get it!



We stayed one night in the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill where we had an amazing view of the city from the 17th floor. We did the mosaic stair walk in the Sunset (Haight) district that I've been wanting to do for years, and ate dinner in North beach at a cute little ristorante. The next morning we walked down to the City Center shopping area and bought Eric his long awaited 'official' SF Giant's hat. (They were having a sale, so I ended up getting one too.) Then we headed over to Pier 39 where we ate some classic Hard Rock cafe and enjoyed the smell of the sea.




Did I mention that there's a Disney Family museum in the Presidio? Being the awesome wife that I am, and that it is officially 'The Year of Disney' I instigated the visiting of this awesome place, and was pleasantly surprised by it. While not a place to take the kids, it was a great place to learn all about Disney and his climb to Disney-dom. Did you know he went bankrupt 3 times before they hit it big with their current studio and Snow White?



After Disney we felt particularly nostalgic for our little bundle of energy and rushed home to swoop him up. The 'welcome home' greeting from my little man was almost as good as the weekend away.


1 comment:

Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

yay for getting away!! Glad you enjoyed it! Nate and I can't wait to get away next week!!