Friday, April 9, 2010

The incredible edible... Garden

Being at home has its many advantages. The most important of course, being that I get to spend all day with my AMAZING son. The other, that I have a good bit of time. Time to blog, time to spring clean, time to weed the yard, time to plant a garden.

I planted Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, artichokes, bell peppers, cilantro and chives along the back fence. And along the side fence I planted some Jasmine - did you know Jasmine makes a great ground cover, and its much prettier than just about any other ground cover, plus it smells good. :)

I also have a lot time to find projects for Eric. Such as, mowing and edging the lawn, removing the ugly DVD shelf from the front room, painting our bedroom (he doesn't know about that last one yet... hehehe).

The garden


Chives & Cilantro

Bell Peppers, cucumber, zucchini, & Artichokes


The yard

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Jessica said...

Oooh I am SO jealous. Not only do we not have a yard but it's still freezing. Someday...

Your little guy is adorable! Love all of the pictures.

Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

looks awesome!!!

Kathryn said...

good job on the yard! Wanna work on mine?? haha

I might have to break down and plant some veggies this weekend, but it won't be pretty like yours :)

Emily@emilysleftovers said...

KELLY! Can you please email me or something and tell me how you did your plants? I have tried a few plants this year and my only success has been my tomato plant, but it has yellow leaves on part? I planted carrots and peas from seed, but nothing shows? I don't know anything about the time of year did you do the herbs? From seed or little plant? Would they work in a pot since aparently my yard sucks? Sorry, I just have had this on my mind and saw your post and would love advice! Thanks=)