Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's Cookin At the Westover's

Tonight was "Lovingly salted, Butter basted Salmon" - Served with a side of veggies (we had peas).
Yes, it was as good as it sounds.

And of course... a prego picture.

This is one of the super cute outfits that Tamara sent us. Thanks Tam!

33 Weeks

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Hi, I'm Katelyn! said...

i dont like salmon, but that sure does look DE-LISH!!

Tamara said...

I have always been afraid to cook fish. I need to gain a little courage and just do it like you guys do.

I am SOOOO glad you can use some of the stuff I sent. That little onesie is ADORABLE. It was something new for Christian and he outgrew it way too fast. I hope your baby shower is a lot of fun and you get some good loot.